Feature Request / random and / or inverted heli start position

Mon Dec 30, 2019 2:53 pm
avatar  azaz44

We have a feature in "Training -> Start Direction" which controls, what is the position of the heli at startup, or after crash, or after "r" key.

It would be great, if we could
- have it random
- have it "inverted" (so the heli is inverted initially)

I know "inverted" is controversial, and would require some changes in neXt (normally it would crash). Or would require you to have some "Starting Height" set and start in the air - which is also OK. But I'm sure we all would be better pilots with such a feature. Even advanced pilots develop a preference and fly better in upright than in inverted, and this is mainly because we always start upright. Starting inverted, while physically incorrect, would equalize that.

I can easily imagine, that you could find your worst orientation - let's say it is inverted nose-in - then you would set this as your starting position, and this orientation would automatically improve in next weeks.

It would be useful for advanced pilots too. For example, when training piroflips, you quickly develop a preference to start them from pirouetting upright hover, because this is what you do after taking off. Pirouetting inverted hover gets worse. We could equalize this, by setting next to start the heli always inverted for next few months.

Or if you work on some advanced maneuver, like pirouetting funnel, you would randomize the position, and then you always need to enter the maneuver from different orientations.

Of course it is possible to put the heli in inverted and press "f", but you would need to do this anytime you start neXt. Which means you would forget it after few days. And it doesn't have randomness.

How it could be implemented -- I can see a combo box "Heli startup position", which would replace "Start Direction" with options:
- front
- back
- left
- right
- inverted front
- inverted back
- inverted left
- inverted right
- random
- random upright
- random inverted

But then it does not allow "free" angles (like 45 degrees).

Or we could keep existing "Start Direction" and add more options, like:
- Start Orientation: Upright / Inverted / Random
- Randomize Start Direction: Yes / No


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Fri May 08, 2020 12:48 pm
avatar  azaz44

I just noticed this is implemented, at least upright. Great, thanks..


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