neXt v 1.254 is online
Sat Dec 21, 2013 6:25 pm

as promised we have released our weekly update. I wish you all merry christmas. Thank you very much for supporting the neXt.
Klaus Eiperle
neXt v1.254
- New Heli: Align T-Rex 450Pro DFC
- An audio signal draws attention to incoming chat messages (Tab: Sounds).
- Now you can copy chat messages into the clipboard. That's very useful for links.
- Old chat messages are deleted automatically from the list.
- neXt - CGM RC Flight Simulator - English
- News: neXt - CGM RC Flight Simulator
- Feature Suggestions
- Model Setups
- neXt - CGM RC Flight Simulator - Deutsch
- Neuigkeiten: neXt - CGM RC Flight Simulator
- Fragen und Antworten zum neXt
- Gewünschte Funktionen
- Modell Setups
- Verschiedenes
- Marktplatz: Kaufen und Verkaufen
- Align
- FBL-Systeme
- Blade
- Advertising
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